Software engineering is a dynamic subject that is always researching new approaches, tools, and processes that have resulted in huge improvements in software development. and upkeep to be more dependable and efficient. Previous research critics on cost-cutting and quality and adaptability have unending attempts to invent and develop different strategies to better these fields are currently ongoing. influencing the software business. The latest developments in software engineering research. Cloud Computing, Big Data, Android Computing, and other research fields are addressed.

Project management for network security and software engineering. Nonetheless, there are others. additional software engineering research areas that have been extensively investigated and implemented in the industry.

Keywords: Methodology, Tools, Model, Cloud Computing, Android Computing, Big Data, Network Security, Project Management

1.Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a new area in the research field of software engineering where more new techniques and models are introduced with the intention of benefiting the industry and also providing knowledge with the intention of improving education and the software industry in terms of cost reduction and improving current technology ; . According to previous research, the problems in identifying the quality of services in cloud computing are rather poor, and the variety of services provided in cloud computing is neglected, especially in the service sector, where the benefit of cloud computing is not felt by the software industry and the users. Thus, Abdelmaboud et al.  proposed a five-research priority area to improve cloud computing services. Figure 1 depicts the research areas.

The applications delivered in systems that serve as a service to users are the subject of SaaS research. PaaS research is centered on the creation of platform resources for applications and system services. Data centers and virtualization resources in enterprises are the subject of IaaS research.

CSPs are providers of cloud computing services to consumers such as software, software platforms, and infrastructure services. Finally, CSC is connected to the individuals and organizations that use cloud computing services such as software, platforms, and so on.

Another cloud computing conference paper is Saad and Rana's  research study on the usage of cloud computing for software engineering learning environments.

This article discusses issues with the availability, maintenance, accessibility, scalability, compatibility, and resource consumption of software and hardware tools used in software engineering courses. Another point raised is the willingness to adapt to this new technology. From a collective review of previous surveys conducted with three universities, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation Malaysia, University Technology Malaysia, and University Malaya Malaysia, discussion of results obtained where software engineering students face compatibility, availability, and licensing of software while lectures are concerned about the availability of labs for scenarios for large classes and unmanageable groups. Furthermore, as shown in Figure 2, this work gives a guideline for deploying the software engineering tool in the cloud.

Furthermore, the advantages of cloud computing are demonstrated by working on numerous computers and operating systems independent of time or place. Furthermore, universities will be among the top beneficiaries, allowing them to better allocate resources. To summarize, cloud computing has been used in a variety of fields, including education and industry, and has benefitted users by improving quality and offering rules for deploying cloud-based solutions, which has indirectly benefited society.

2.Big Data

Now, "Big Data" is well-known for software systems that use Operational Data (OD) for software design and maintenance . Structured and unstructured data have long been used in operational support systems in the software engineering profession. Proposing a systematic approach to the engineering area of operational database systems is a common Big Data research subject . According to Mockus's  research, there is an increasing need for OD systems in software engineering and other industries. It will be important to build fundamental ideas and technologies that will enable the successful application of engineering in the OD system. Mockus  has deliberately gathered best practices and used earlier research approaches from various areas such as databases and OD system issues.

The suggested feature serves as a guide to develop engineering principles in an OD system by combining two events that should have the same context, such as data that is partial, wrong, filtered, or tempered. In addition to developing features, it is required to provide a library fundamental method to represent the connections between things in the software engineering domain .

The mechanisms are built into models and used as context segments, input missing values, and so on. When applying methods in OD, special care must be taken because assumptions may be taken for granted and techniques may not be applicable to OD in general, and software engineering in particular. Future research in this area will focus on developing strong algorithms for recognizing data entry problems, cleaning data, augmenting or segmenting events, and identifying subject identities. Another Big Data research study outlines the methodologies and contexts for using clouds in Big Data applications . Data management, model building and scoring, visualization and user engagement, and business models are the four proposed analytic and Big Data sectors. To summarize, Big Data is considered as a problem in industries seeking to outperform competitors. When industries can use Big Data to get information, client demand will rise, revenue will rise, costs will fall, and operations will improve.

Cloud computing helps businesses increase demand at a proportionate cost, however Big Data is still time demanding, necessitating expensive software, vast infrastructures, and efforts.

3.Android Computing

The proliferation of Android devices and application services has raised needs for software testing approaches. Previous research has concentrated on unit and graphical user interface testing of Android applications. EvoDroid is a modern technique to system testing in Android applications. EvoDroid addresses the lack of system testing, and Mahmood et al. propose merging two unique approaches, an Android-specific program for selecting portions of code to be searched separately and an evolutionary algorithm that provides information for such segments. Although the approach has demonstrated the ability to successfully use current tools and techniques for automated testing in Android applications, it may worsen due to the inability to systematically reason about input circumstances. Future work in this area includes expanding the model and framework to fully utilize the search base algorithm. Furthermore, Android applications may be thought of as Event Driven Software (EDS) that is triggered by various sorts of events . Accessing testing methodologies for typical EDS systems (like as GUIs, Rich Internet Applications, embedded software, and so on) that are also available in Android-based mobile applications is a major difficulty with Android application testing. The problem of automated testing on Android is addressed by the Google platform, which provides approaches for quick crash testing and regression testing of the application. The suggested testing method aims to detect runtime crashes or apparent flaws in changed versions of the program. To summarize, Android computing in the software engineering field of study is expanding in testing to determine the best technique and paradigm.

4. Network Security

Network security is desired because it allows for direct assessment and comparison of the security level supplied by various solutions. Popular critics of previous studies are concerned with the rank level of vulnerabilities found, which are measurable, and security is not quantifiable until the issue is resolved. According to research on a novel security metric that claimed k-zero safety, metrics can quantify the number of accountable network assets as opposed to rating the vulnerabilities. K-zero security can be achieved by network hardening and submissions. The k-zero network is rendered vulnerable by network hardening. Increased variety, stronger isolation, stopping services, and firewall assaults are all examples of network hardening. Sub metrics are used to characterize and quantify services by fixing relevant vulnerabilities.

This is a chance to select various network hardening techniques. The suggested safety model is effective in finding the suitable metric for calculating value. Future enhancements and analyses are required to prioritize the k-zero day vulnerabilities in managing known vulnerabilities in application services. However, network security research has progressed in measuring existing networks. Research on security methods for a single broadcast Local Area Network (LAN) (Ethernet. In order to understand the intrusion detection technique in network security, a hierarchical model was presented. There are three types of attacks: preparation, attack, and post. The attacker has general network knowledge during the preparation phase.

When the network is remotely logged from another system and accessible in another machine, this is referred to as the attack phase. Finally, the post phase is when the system continues to make changes after being hacked Ethernet , and this paradigm is useful in a real-time open environment. To summarize, network security study fields in software engineering are expanding from topology to metrics or framework extensions in relation to this technology.

5. Software Engineering Project Management

The goal of software engineering project management is to manage the required set of activities and tasks in the planning of software projects , which includes software requirements, incomplete project planning, difficult to prepare software costs and schedules, and the criteria for selecting the best analysis, design, testing, and management methodology for an ongoing software project . The strength and weakness of a software type in planning for a software engineering project leads to completion of time entails creating objectives and goals, strategies, developing policies, selecting course of action, and making choices. Furthermore, putting the right individuals on the proper project team suggests increasing the odds of success by recognizing team members' qualifications, technical talents, and experience.

6. Conclusion

This article assists research students in the software engineering area in recognizing the most recent trends in research subjects and moving forward with the research gaps and future tasks specified in the research papers evaluated.

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