Administration Management Function

Administration Management Function

In the Administration Management System, it covers all the staff members requirements. It allows staff members to access the system and register to the system.

In administration management page Admin can manage access controls and reports about staff members.

  • ·         Admin can insert new staff members to the system
  • ·         Admin can update staff member’s details
  • ·         Admin can delete staff members
  • ·         Admin can view staff member’s details individually
  • ·         Admin can view salary reports about staff members
  • ·         Admin can generate reports about staff members and their salary details

Staff members can access the system via login page by entering their valid credentials that saved in the database.

Staff members can create their own access controls by entering to the staff register page in the system. In that page staff members can do multiple tasks.

  • ·         Staff members can provide their details to the system
  • ·         Staff members can add a valid password to the system to login to the system
  • ·         Staff members can enter their selected job position to the system.

After login to the system staff members can choose their relevant management section and access to their relevant section. Staff members also can leave the system via logout option.

Benefits of the system

  • ·         Easy to handle the staff members in the system
  • ·         Staff members can easily access to the system and do their works easily
  • ·         Administrator can instantly generate monthly reports about staff members
  • ·         Staff members can quickly create their profiles
  • ·         Administrator can compare salary details and staff member details via the given option and manage the system easily


Administration Management

  • ·         Add staff member details
  • ·         Update staff member details
  • ·         Delete staff member details
  • ·         Retrieve staff member details
  • ·         Generate staff member’s details
  • ·         Retrieve staff member’s salary details
  • ·         Generate monthly staff member’s salary details

Testing function:  Administration Management

Test case ID:06

Test case designed by:

ID No: IT20120634

Name: H.M.M.M. Ariyarathna

Test Priority (High/Medium/Low)


Test Description: Administrator login to the Administration Management section  

Test Steps:

Step 1:  User must be logged in as an Admin

Step 2: Choose Administration Management Section



Test ID

Test Inputs

Expected Outputs

Actual Outputs





View Staff Member’s Details

Display all Staff Member’s Details

Display all the Staff Member’s details


Display details successfully


Add New staff member:

Enter staff member details

Display a successful message alert, “Data added successfully” and display details in Staff Member Details page

Display successful alert and show details in Staff Member Details page and Staff member details added successfully to the database


Data added successfully


Update current staff member details

Display successful message alert saying, “Data Updated successfully” and show updated data in Staff Member Details page

Display successful alert and show updated details in Staff Member Details page and Staff member details updated successfully in the database


Data updated successfully


Delete staff member details

Display successful message alert saying, “Data Deleted Successfully” and show updated supplier data in Staff Member Details page

Display successful alert and show updated Staff Member data in Staff Member Details page


Delete data successfully




Testing function:  Administration Management

Test case ID:07

Test case designed by:

ID No: IT20120634

Name: H.M.M.M. Ariyarathna

Test Priority (High/Medium/Low)


Test Description: Staff members login to the system  

Test Steps:

Step 1:  User must be navigated to login page


Test ID

Test Inputs

Expected Outputs

Actual Outputs





Enter Staff member’s email and password

Display a successful message alert, “Login Successful” and redirected to the section page

Display a successful message alert, “Login Successful” and redirected to the section page


Successfully redirected


Enter invalid email and password

Display an error message alert, “Password is invalid”

Display an error message alert, “Password is invalid”


Display alert


Press log in button without entering any details

Display an error message alert saying, User not registered”

Display an error message alert saying, User not registered”


Display alert



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